Spa and wellness: spring into detox and massage therapies
After a grueling day-long work, you come back home to do household chores, leaving no time for yourself. Even during the weekends, your work never ends. At this point, all your body aches for is some time to relax and rest for a while. Spa treatments are the perfect activity to relieve yourself from the hectic schedule you’ve been hovering on and on. Spa treatments optimize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being to an extent where you thoroughly feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and refreshed. The aromatic saunas and the soothing effects calm your nerves and acupressure points, leaving a profound impact on healing your mind, body, and soul. The wide range of spa treatments at Zazzle Signature Salon ensures you experience solace or peace of mind. Here are a few spa treatments available at Zazzle Signature Salon for you to choose at your ease.
Reflexology is a type of massage that focuses on applying pressure to different parts of the feet.
According to research conducted by Sir Henry Head and Sir Charles Sherrington, the application of pressure to the feet sends out calming signals to the central nervous system, resulting in the relaxation of internal organs and increases blood supply. It also stimulates the release of endorphins that reduces pain and stress. We at Zazzle Salon focus on the tip of the toes, the ball of the foot, and towards the heel that is interconnected with their corresponding body parts. When you’re leaving the salon, you’ll witness a whole new version of yourself.
Swedish massage
Swedish massage is a predominately standard form of massage. It’s a whole-body therapeutic massage that involves soft and kneading strokes as well as strong and rhythmic strokes of the muscle. The massage targets your tissue, muscle, and nervous system that improves your immune system, and increases blood circulation. When your whole body is relaxed, you’ll experience a wider range of motion, resulting in increased flexibility. Our spa rooms contain a soothing effect that can make your Swedish massage session a soul-fulfilling experience.
Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage mainly focus on chronic muscle pain, tension, and injury rehabilitation. This massage applies a more firm pressure to reach the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue when compared to Swedish massage’s soft strokes. They’re used to break up scar tissue and break down muscle knots that relieve muscle tightness and sore shoulders. It also helps in preventing sports-related concerns and injuries. We at Zazzle apply a lighter pressure initially to warm up the muscles and then gradually increase the pressure according to your needs.
Thai massage
A Thai massage is an ancient form of massage therapy influenced by Indian, Chinese, and Southeast Asian healing practices. They’re said to be more than 1000 years old and, there is a considerable variation of Thai massage from region to region. Unlike other massage therapies where the person lies on a bed, Thai massage allows them to lie on the floor and encourages the client’s active participation throughout the massage. The benefits of Thai massage are immense in number ranging from relieving headaches to the overall improvement of the immune system. We at Zazzle offer you rejuvenating Thai massage therapy to achieve a calm state of mind.